We aim to dispatch your order within 3 working days. Delivery to Peninsular Malaysia takes around 3 -7 working days. Delivery to East Malaysia (Sabah/Sarawak) will take around 7-15 working days.

This doesn’t include weekends or holidays. You will receive an email upon dispatch of your order with all the relevant shipping information, & the different tracking options available for it.

Returns & Defective/Incorrect Items

If any items purchased are damaged during the delivery process or the incorrect items have been sent in the order, please contact us at +6012 3060 099 within 7 days after the purchase date for us to resolve this as soon as we can. 

If the incorrect items have been sent, we will arrange the delivery of the correct items as soon as possible & arrange the collection of the incorrect items (provided that the incorrect items seal has not been opened or damaged).

We do not issue refunds for any purchases unless the item is damaged and reported within the time frame above. We do not issue any refunds for international orders.